Lutheran Congregation
 Located somewhere in Owatonna, Minnesota. Owatonna Lutheran Congregation was organized in 1870 with the name Owatonna Danish Lutheran Congregation and was part of the "Conference of the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church of America" with Rev. Nils Olsen as pastor. When the original congregation split in 1877, this congregation was formed. Rev. Olsen served this congregation until his death in 1884. As a result of their pastor's death the congregation disbanded and reorganized as Our Saviors Lutheran Church in 1885. This was a highly irregular practice to close a congregation because the pastor died. It implies that Rev. Olsen was more to this church than just it's pastor. His life and the congregation's life seemed tightly entwined. Rev. Olsen built the church building himself in 1877.

from Norske lutherske menigheter i Amerika, 1843-1916 By Olaf Morgan Norlie.
1918, Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, MN

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